Tuesday 14 April 2009

Whether the weather be hot

I thought I would jot down a few of my musings on Melbourne weather .

What has made me decide to do this? Well it could be the seriously scary wind that woke us all up this morning. Grant's alarm had just gone off and we were lightly snoozing away when the gale force 9 wind struck. Suddenly it was as if we had been transported into a wind tunnel. What the hell is that I asked? only to be answered by my 10 year old who had come into the room to say " I think it's a willy willy". "A what?!", I answered somewhat taken aback. You know a willy willy. Feeling a little lost at this point I turned to Grant to see if he had any idea what the child was going on about. I was then told that Australia suffers from typhoons which are given this somewhat bizarre name, although usually confined to the North.
Now I could have called the blog some amusing connotations with this, but when discussing it with Caitlin, whilst walking home from shops with Maurice (you should all know who he is by now) she again suprised me with "you can't call it that people will think you have had a gender change!!!" Where is she picking all of this up from? Returning quickly to the point, we are actually experiencing an Indian Summer at the moment in Melbourne. That to you Brits is a full on glorious sunshine most of the time and hitting high 20's and even occasional 30's. Not the usual British Indian Summer which normally means a little late sunshine that is trying to make up for the continous rain we have had in August, or more usually the whole of the school holidays. As this is first ever Victorian autumn I have experienced I am starting to wonder if it ever gets cold here!

However we have seen some rain: suffice to say it's big stuff normally. The rain droplets are sort of goldfish bowl sized, so when you step outdoors you kinda get drenched in 3 seconds flat and of course all our waterproofs are packed in the container and are probably now being worn by the same Somali pirates I mentioned in previous blogs, all laughing at each other and wondering who is the best cross dresser - Sort of wondering why I never thought to pack em really .

On a final note Grant has just informed me that they actually closed a road on his bike route to work this morning as the wind had caused structural damage to some shop fronts so maybe we did experience that Willy Willy after all!!

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