Tuesday 7 April 2009

The Adventures of Steamboat Willy and How I wrestled a cod and lived to tell the tail.

Twas a dark cold Melbournian evening when the keen but trepidacious mother boarded the V-line train, bustling her hysterical children in front of her. Cries of " But will the spiders bite me or will the snakes chase me, what about my swimming pool" were heard as the strange trio struggled to find the right carriage, their over-confident father turfing out innocent old ladies from seats he believed were his beloved family's' before realising each car had the same numbers . Only one very frail geriatric was hurt in the skirmishes, but finally the group were seated and the father tearfully waved them off ,not before writing clean me on the train window bringing in on instant reprimand from the overbearing but motherly conductor. Whilst most men would have broken down after the firm words from this authoritarian , the father proceeded to do the crab dance he had seen performed the previous night at a comedy festival . This was strange behaviour from an otherwise sombre gentleman which brought squeals of delight from his happy children and a resigned "Oh he's glad we're leaving "thought to the beautiful but sad mother.
The train pulled begrudgingly out of the station and each member of the party settled down to a chosen activity,the eldest of the girls producing a 6000 page novel from her bag and reading 3/4 of it in the space of 10 minutes ,the mother closing her eyes and trying not think about her last meal which threatened to come up and say hello and the youngest whose cries of" Can I go to the toilet now," could be heard up and down the train.
Nearly 4 hours later and in the pitch dark the Clan arrived to be greeted by the cheerful family Archard who were to welcome them into their midst that weekend.
A car journey ensued which included a run into the bush to see if any of the car inhabitants could spot animal life of the jumping variety but alas all the Roos had heard of their arrival and took the first boat out of town .
The young and frankly quite dazzling mother herded her now super hyped kids into the farm kitchen ducking the swarms of what she believed to be midges nestling busily on the ceiling with thoughts of "Oh My God I'm gonna be eaten alive "springing to her agile mind.
"Ahh don't worry about them they don't bite wait til you see the tiger snakes and huntsman spiders" came the response from John, head of the family, which he gave with a wry grin. What had they in store for the family ............

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