Daydream was badly named, and has become a very tired and worn out little Island. The main restaurant/bar complex here was also pretty cheap and tacky.
Redemption was found in hiring a pair of Jetskis for 30 mins. Phil and Sam had one and Ciara and I the other. Caitlin is going through a worried age at the moment and immediately saw 14 ways to die when she saw the Jetskis.
I'd never been on one of these before but they turned out to be great fun. Bashing along at 50mph, or 35 mph when facing into the rather windy and heavy seas, with solid waves of spray hitting your eyes giving zero visibility was great fun - no honest.
Phil and Sam, partly through natural disposition, and partly not having an 8 year old on the back were really going for it and one scene with there 'ski at about 40 degrees and about 6 feet in the air was pretty impressive.
5 mins later though and it became they're undoing. I'm looking around and there is an empty 'ski bucking in the heavy seas. We're told to keep 100m clear from each other but I wander over by which time Sammy is back on board. Unfortuantely Phil had the key for the engine on the little stretchy cord thing and is bobbing away into the distance.
In the end the boat comes out from the quay and we're all back in and make a rush for the departing Cat. Next stop Hamilton.
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